North Rhine-Westphalia’s Deputy Minister-President and Economics Minister, Mona Neubaur (Greens), doesn’t rule out a move to Berlin after the federal election, if a suitable offer is made.
In response to a question about whether she would accept a ministerial post in the new federal government, Neubaur told Ippen-Media: “Being a minister and deputy minister-president in North Rhine-Westphalia is a true privilege, for which I’m grateful every day. I’m very satisfied with my job at the moment.” When asked if her response was a “no”, she said: “That’s right. But also not a ‘yes’.”
Neubaur has been the Deputy Minister-President and Economics Minister in North Rhine-Westphalia since June 2022, making her a member of the black-green state government. On possible coalitions after the federal election, she said: “CDU and Greens in the federal government should, like all other democratic parties, remain conversational with each other. That’s what citizens in a democracy can expect. In all the necessary debate, we must not forget the value of compromise, as it always leads to new solutions. For NRW, I can say: This works for us.