FDP’s Radical Plan to Wipe Out 4 Ministries!

FDP's Radical Plan to Wipe Out 4 Ministries!

In a recent interview with the “Handelsblatt”, Christian Lindner, the leader of the Free Democratic Party (FDP), announced his plans to merge at least four federal ministries, potentially leading to the abolition of more. The proposed mergers include the ministries of Building and Transportation, Health, Family and Social Affairs, as well as the Foreign Office, Development Ministry and Economy and Labour Ministry.

Lindner stated that he believes it is possible to reduce the number of government employees by 20 percent in the coming years, not solely due to his proposed reforms, but also as a result of the impending wave of baby boomer retirements. The FDP chief also expressed his intention to concentrate digital responsibilities in a single ministry, without creating new positions, by integrating existing departments and offices.

Regarding the 700 subordinate federal agencies, Lindner sees potential for cost savings. He suggested the abolition of the Federal Environmental Agency and the consolidation of the Federal Administrative Office and the Federal Agency for Administrative Services.

Despite the recent developments in the United States, Lindner defended his call for more entrepreneurial spirit, citing Elon Musk as an example of a successful entrepreneur who invests in disruptive technologies. Lindner, however, continues to view Musk’s political views critically. On the other hand, he praised the turnaround of Swiss politician, Guy Millien and sees his example as a motivation to streamline the state apparatus.