FDP’s Bold New Proposal!

FDP's Bold New Proposal!

There are sympathies in the FDP for the proposal by Allianz CEO Oliver Bäte, not paying salaries to employees on their first sick day.

Bundestag member Carl-Julius Cronenberg is also demanding the reintroduction of the so-called “Karenztag” and even extending it to three sick days. “If the simplified notification of illness is associated with such high sick leave, we must correct existing incentives that are off the mark. There are several options for this. One of them is up to three Karenztage” Cronenberg told the “Spiegel”.

Furthermore, the abolition of the telephone notification of illness could also contribute to this. “The poor economic situation and the imbalance of the social systems require an evaluation of the existing benefits” said the FDP politician, who leads a company with around 450 employees in the Sauerland.

With his proposals, he deviates from the party line. The FDP views the introduction of a Karenztag critically and instead proposes a tax-free bonus, which employers could grant in addition to the basic salary for each calendar month without illness-related absence.