FDP Leader Confirms Imminent Defeat

FDP Leader Confirms Imminent Defeat

In a recent interview with the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”, Christian Dürr, the leader of the Free Democratic Party’s (FDP) parliamentary faction, expressed skepticism about the chances of a cross-party motion to initiate a constitutional proceeding to ban the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which is set to be discussed in the Bundestag next week.

“I can’t imagine the motion will find a majority”Dürr said. “A ban is the wrong approach. Because the ideology wouldn’t be gone and the failed NPD ban should be a warning. If the Federal Constitutional Court were to approve an AfD ban, it would be almost a seal of approval for the AfD. I strongly advise against it and instead recommend we combat the AfD politically – and that’s by acting, not just paying lip service.”Moreover, the Bundestag is “the wrong address for the start of a ban procedure”Dürr emphasized.