The FDP in the German Bundestag has welcomed the Union’s migration plans, but at the same time, they have criticized them as not going far enough.
“The FDP wants to go even further, because we see a crucial measure missing: the states that do not take back their citizens should not receive any development aid anymore”said faction leader Christian Dürr to the newspapers of the Funke-Mediengroup (Monday editions).
Dürr referred to the fact that, for example, more than one billion euros had flowed to Afghanistan in the last three years. “We need agreements that stipulate that not a single cent will flow if countries like Afghanistan do not take back those obliged to leave. We will discuss this with the Union”he announced.
In the bill package that the Union will put to a vote in the Bundestag on Wednesday, Dürr sees “many clever proposals.”Merz and the Union had called for a sharpening of the German migration policy after the knife attack in Aschaffenburg and had concretized their demands in two draft bill proposals. The Union is demanding, among other things, permanent controls and rejections at the borders.