In a recent interview, FDP leader Christian Lindner advocated for a coalition between the Union, SPD and FDP. He described a Germany coalition as being better than the current Black-Green government, stating that “the FDP will not continue the Scholz policy, that’s clear.”Lindner maintained that he still has good relationships with leading Social Democrats, recalling that he received “many lovely birthday greetings”from the SPD. However, he refused to name specific individuals, citing concerns that revealing their identities could harm them, as he would be perceived as the “personified evil”in the Scholz-SPD campaign.
Lindner emphasized that if the FDP returns to the Bundestag, a Germany coalition would automatically form, as a government without the Greens would be a step forward. He still believes it is possible to win over AfD voters for a government of the center, one that would exclude the SPD and the Greens. In his opinion, a coalition of the Union, FDP and Greens, known as Schwarz-Gelb, would be the best for the country.