Fasnacht’s Fiery Faux Pas

Fasnacht's Fiery Faux Pas

The Basel Fasnacht, known as the “three most beautiful days” of Switzerland, is famous for its biting satire and socially critical themes. This year, the spectacle took a particularly political turn, with several groups marching through the streets of Basel, donning Donald Trump masks and hats in the shape of an outstretched middle finger.

Criticism of politicians has long been a staple of the Fasnacht. However, this time, the newly re-elected US President Donald Trump found himself in the spotlight. The Fasnacht participants, dressed in blonde wigs, over-the-top suits and the famous “Make America Great Again” slogan, seized the opportunity to take aim at Trump’s polarizing style.

The creative headgear was particularly striking, with many participants wearing hats shaped like an outstretched middle finger, in reference to Trump’s often brusque demeanor. The message was unmistakable – but it did not go unchallenged.

While many spectators celebrated the performances as humorous political satire, there were also critical voices. Some felt they were disrespectful, while others saw them as one-sided political agitation. The use of social media sparked a debate about whether it was appropriate to use a Fasnacht tradition for direct political statements.

“A satire belongs to the Fasnacht, but this looks more like a cheap provocation than a clever critique” said a spectator on the sidelines of the procession. Others, however, praised the creativity of the participants: “Trump has provided enough ammunition in recent years. Whoever takes aim must also be prepared to take the hit.”

The Basel Fasnacht has always been a mirror of the societal mood. In recent years, local themes have been in the spotlight – from Swiss climate policy to rising living costs in Basel. The increasing focus on international themes, such as the global political climate, shows how much the global political landscape is also being discussed in Switzerland.

Whether Trump will react to the Fasnacht actions remains to be seen. In the past, he has rarely concerned himself with European carnival criticism – but perhaps a tweet from the White House would bring a special honor to the Basel Fasnacht participants.