Farm Unrest: Germany’s Farmers Demand Urgent Reforms in Animal Tracking Law

Farm Unrest: Germany's Farmers Demand Urgent Reforms in Animal Tracking Law

Leading agricultural and food industry associations in Germany are calling for a rapid revision of the animal identification law, which has been in effect since August 2023. According to a joint statement of the German Raiffeisen Association (DRV), the German Farmers’ Association (DBV), and the Federal Association of the German Food Trade (BVLH), as reported by the “Rheinische Post” in its Thursday edition, the law should be “practically revised as soon as possible and based on a uniform foundation with private business initiatives.”

“The politics and participants in the food chain should agree on criteria on an equal footing and in a consensual manner” the statement reads further. The animal welfare initiative and the labeling of rearing forms in trade already provide consumers with comprehensive orientation. If the long-term transformation of animal husbandry is desired, this can only be achieved “through a long-term and reasonably funded state support” the associations say.

Additionally, the statement demands a reduction of innovation barriers to help break down the “large investment backlog” in the agricultural and food industry. “The establishment of the minimum wage must undoubtedly remain in the responsibility of the negotiating parties. The use of seasonal workers, including from third countries, must help to mitigate the labor shortage in the agricultural and food industry” the statement reads.