New calls for a harsher approach against perpetrators after attacks and firework attacks on police and other emergency responders on New Year’s Eve.
The SPD faction demands legal toughening to protect the emergency responders, with SPD faction vice Dirk Wiese saying to the “World” (Thursday edition): “The robust police interventions have shown a clear impact this year. Even if the incidents decrease, people who rush to the aid of others in need deserve our greatest respect and thanks. It’s high time to strengthen their protection legally.”
Former Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) missed the opportunity to make progress, and now it’s up to the Union to “end their blockade and approve the law on better protection for helpers”, Wiese said. “It can’t be about party political games, but about the safety of those who are in service for all of us.”
The Union demands the authorities to take action: “These annual outbursts are unacceptable”, said CDU’s Innenpolitiker Alexander Throm to the “World”. When police and rescue personnel are attacked, the law must be applied with all harshness and consequence. “I expect that in these cases, the accelerated criminal proceedings will be applied. The punishment must follow closely.”
“And then, such acts by foreigners must have consequences for their residence permits”, he added. “Who attacks the police, attacks the German state and shows his disregard for Germany. This must have a mandatory deportation from Germany.” The Union is pushing for a more consistent expulsion right for such cases.
The deputy chair of the Union’s parliamentary group, Andrea Lindholz (CSU), demands quick and harsh consequences for the New Year’s Eve riots. “Many people celebrated peacefully. But there were also dead, injured, and outbursts”, she said to the “Rheinische Post” (Thursday edition). “Police, rescue personnel, and firefighters were therefore in continuous service.”
Lindholz added: “Outbursts, attacks on police and rescue personnel, and the use of illegal firework are absolutely unacceptable. The acts must be brought to court and then punished quickly and harshly. The legal toughening must be fully exploited.”
Also, the BSW chair Sahra Wagenknecht spoke out for a harsher approach: “Attacks on police and rescue personnel are inexcusable and should be much more severely pursued and punished”, she said to the “World”. “Apparently, some people think of Silvester as a law-free space, especially in Berlin.” Police and rescue personnel deserve more respect and recognition. “Proceedings against offenders must be accelerated. Too many can be sure of getting away with it. This drives the firework violence on New Year’s Eve.”
AfD’s Innenpolitiker Gottfried Curio said the high number of arrests for firework attacks on New Year’s Eve shows an “alarming coarsening that is spreading further and further.” “Too many people want to misinterpret the festive atmosphere and the fireworks as a license for aggressive behavior. The state must not leave the order and rescue forces, who are putting their backs on the line, alone.” A clear increase in the penalty range is necessary.
If foreign individuals, such as asylum seekers, are among the perpetrators, then residence permit consequences must also be drawn: “For many of this group of perpetrators, the loss of their residence permit would be the most tangible consequence”, Curio said. This must also be a “policy of fundamental and comprehensive rejection” at the German borders: “Because otherwise, the people who were deported today will be back here tomorrow.