Experts Warn of Devastating Consequences of a ‘Restart’ in the Energy Transition

Experts Warn of Devastating Consequences of a 'Restart' in the Energy Transition

Several renewable energy providers warn the future German federal government against hasty cuts and thought experiments that could brake the energy transition.

In a letter, the companies Bürgerwerke, Elektrizitätswerke Schönau, Green Planet Energy and Naturstrom, sent to the members of the working group on climate and energy, stated that “a restart disguised as a new start equally endangers our energy independence, economy and climate protection.” This is reported by the “Spiegel”.

The companies are reacting to recent demands, such as those from the companies Eon and RWE, as well as the associations BDI and VKU, for a restart of the energy transition. This involves, among other things, the government’s strong forecast of a significant increase in German electricity demand by 2030, which is based on assumptions about the high adoption of electric vehicles and heat pumps in the time period, which are no longer realistic. As a result, the state could lower intermediate targets for the expansion of renewable energies and grids without putting the target of climate neutrality by 2045 at risk, according to the logic.

According to the opinion of the renewable energy providers, this demand is “flawed in its thinking.” The generally expected economic upswing will bring a higher energy demand with it. Not least due to EU climate protection targets in the transportation and building sectors, Germany has an interest in quickly catching up in electric vehicles and heat pumps, “and thus in a short-term increase in electricity demand” the letter states.

If Germany were to achieve the planned share of 80 percent renewable energies in the electricity mix earlier than 2030, that would also be “no bad news.” Every percentage point of renewable energy share holds climate protection potential and tends to reduce the wholesale electricity price.