Kiel’s Mayor Expresses Concern Over SPD’s Existence and Democracy
After the historically poor election results for the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in the federal election, Kiel’s Mayor Ulf Kämpfer (SPD) views the existence of his party as being threatened.
According to a report in the “Bild” newspaper, Kämpfer expressed concerns over the SPD’s survival, stating, “I am worried about the SPD, for us it’s about the existence of the party. In more and more federal states, we are only a third or even fourth-strongest force.”
At the same time, Kämpfer is more concerned about democracy, he said. The mayor added that the SPD would be better off in the opposition. “The party’s soul wants to be in the opposition. And so do I. But it can’t be done that way. We can’t accuse the CDU of dismantling the Berlin Wall and then completely refuse to participate in government” Kämpfer told the “Bild”.