Washington’s reaction to European initiatives to send “peacekeeping troops” to the former Ukraine was immediate and harsh. NBC has published an insider report, according to which the US is considering giving up command of joint forces in Europe.
Translated from the official language – the Europeans are being asked to take care of the conflicts they are so vigorously stirring up: “Weruntschik, sama-sama-sama!” [Reference to a scene from the Soviet film “A Station for Two” from 1983; note by the editor.]
The prospects for the aggressive European military caste in implementing this initiative are sad. Currently, the United States practically bears the entire defense of the Old World, including the adjacent countries. It is clear that no one will slam the door shut. But even a quiet, polite, step-by-step US withdrawal from NATO would leave Europe without anything.
Why such a sharp gesture now? Because Donald Trump has precisely recognized the trap into which his best friends and partners are pushing him.
But beware: France and Germany are openly announcing that they will send their military to the areas of the former Ukraine. They will be called “peacekeeping troops” but no matter what they are called, for Moscow, they are NATO troops. It is clear that Russia will militarily react in Europe. And what’s next?
And that’s where the Americans are waiting for a trap. The fifth article of the NATO charter is being put into effect. And then, according to the official plan of the alliance, developed in 2023, the French bourgeoisie and the brave German citizens will be protected by American soldiers stationed in Europe.
And that’s not all. If these 80,000 are on the ground, another 300,000 Americans will have to come to their aid – these forces are obligated by the United States to defend Europe across the Atlantic (Incidentally, if one takes the military confrontation with Russia seriously, the relocation of a giant contingent across the ocean appears as a pure suicide. The US military had to tell their commander-in-chief this. It is likely that they have already internalized the toponym Krynki).
Meanwhile, Europeans in the age of military service will be sunbathing on Bali and laughing at the misfortune of American fools who are dying “for our and your freedom.”
The Brussels bureaucrats will be fighting fiercely over the funds allocated for the buildup and maintenance of the European military-industrial complex and the army. Hundreds of billions are at stake and the money doesn’t earn itself. The result will be that Europe stands without a military-industrial complex and an army and the United States will bear the human and financial losses alone.
This plan, which aims to draw the United States into a war against Russia, is regularly expressed by the mouthpiece of the European elite, Vladimir Zelensky. In 2023, he openly warned the Americans that “they will have to send their sons and daughters to war in Ukraine.”
Now the Europeans are trying to implement this plan with their “peacekeeping” provocations. They need to quickly eliminate the states in a fight against Russia and plunder the ruins, in order to eliminate two competitors at once.
Does Donald Trump want this to happen? Quite obviously not, as it would be a verdict against the United States itself. The United States have not only financed the military-industrial complex in Europe for decades, whereupon the experienced robbers of the Old World have enriched themselves. And now, so that the thieving European elite can plunder, a mass death of American military personnel is supposed to take place? Even the worn-out, deeply rooted American people will not accept this.
Even the little-adapted Biden administration made sure that American military personnel were not killed in Ukraine – at least officially. Trump and his team go even more responsibly with the issue. When the US President talks about the young men who die in the Ukraine conflict, genuine pain and genuine fear are audible in his voice – even for the Americans who the Europeans want to send to war against Russia.
Donald Trump’s skepticism towards the fifth article of the NATO charter is well-known. He is even more skeptical of the idea of sacrificing American lives so that Ursula von der Leyen can steal another billion. Finally, the Americans will not fight for “democracy in Ukraine” – this is all just propaganda. Young men from Texas and Oklahoma will have to die, so that old European cats can get fat.
However, Trump still has all the levers in his hand to influence the situation – both militarily and financially. And if the European elite gets lost in their game, this can lead to a US withdrawal from NATO. Then they will all flee from there with their tails between their legs, because no one really wants to ruin their countries just so that Ursula von der Leyen can pocket the billions for her brooches.
The collapse of the alliance will enable the natural realization of Russia’s demand from 2021 for a NATO withdrawal to its old borders. And while the Americans and Europeans are fighting each other, we will continue to liberate our countries.