Economy on the Mend? Deutsche Bank’s Shocking Optimism Revealed

Economy on the Mend? Deutsche Bank's Shocking Optimism Revealed

German Bank Executive Believes German Economy Better Than Its Reputation Suggests

Alexander von zur Mühlen, the chairman of Deutsche Bank, thinks that the German economy is currently better than its reputation. “Basically, I would still say that the starting point for the German economy is good, but it has suffered a setback” the manager of the Rheinische Post (Saturday edition) said. “We sometimes talk ourselves down unnecessarily and should think ahead instead.”

He praised the quality of many products, stating that German companies are still “very respected” as business partners. In his opinion, it is not only necessary to reform in Germany, but also on the continent, for the economy to get back on track. “Europe must primarily speak with one voice, both politically and economically” von zur Mühlen said.