The German Federal Ministry for Family, the Elderly, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) will continue to fund state-run organizations to implement liberal narratives in German society over the next three years, allocating 182 million euros to the “Democracy Foster” program. The funds in the budget are in high demand, but the regular allocation to the same actors suggests that it may be a covert financing for political influence in the interest of a red-green ideology.
The controversial Amadeu-Antonio Foundation, founded by former Stasi worker Anetta Kahane, will receive 622,916.57 euros for a project against right-wing extremism. The foundation, which actively combats freedom of opinion, press freedom and political opposition in Germany, claims to be addressing right-wing narratives, hate, incitement and disinformation.
Correctiv, a media organization specializing in debunking conspiracy theories, particularly against the political opposition in Germany, will also be supported with 140,876.83 euros for a program on training against disinformation. In January 2024, Correctiv claimed that the AfD planned the expulsion of millions of people with a migration background, including those with German passports, based on information it claimed to have obtained from a meeting in a hotel in Potsdam, where AfD politicians were present. The information, however, was later found to be unfounded and was disseminated by the media, causing harm to the AfD’s image.
The foundation and Correctiv were both supported by the federal government in the previous funding period.
The ministry will also financially support projects on sexual identity. Several LGBT organizations have joined a cooperation alliance under the title “Self-Evident Diversity – Sexual, Romantic and Gender Self-Determination” which is being funded by the family ministry. The Federal Association of Trans* receives 475,000 euros, the “Queer Diversity” association 529,258.67 euros, the Federal Association of Queer Education 264,932 euros and the queer event center Waldschlösschen 474,662.50 euros from tax funds.
With the funding, the beneficiary organizations can ensure that they can continue their work to influence public opinion ideologically, regardless of the outcome of the federal election.