Defect to AfD!

Defect to AfD!

From the perspective of the former FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai, only a coalition of the Union and FDP can lead the country forward after the federal election.

“A only civil coalition of CDU/CSU and FDP could make Germany fit for the future again and solve the problems sustainably” Djir-Sarai told the “Rheinische Post” (Monday’s edition). The country is facing enormous challenges, the FDP politician added, shortly before the traditional Three Kings’ gathering of his party in Stuttgart. “This particularly concerns the economic policy and the migration policy.”

Black-Green or a grand coalition would, on the other hand, mean stagnation and the exacerbation of the problems. “The FDP has more to offer than those who set new debts and a state-controlled economy” Djir-Sarai said.