In the face of the infection wave, the Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) sees a tense situation in children’s clinics. “There are again more influenza and RSV cases, so we see some severely ill newborns and young children who also have to be hospitalized” said Axel Gerschlauer, a pediatrician from Bonn and spokesperson for the BVKJ North Rhine, to the “Rheinische Post” (Monday edition).
“The bed situation is again strained and in some cases, our patients have to be relocated to other cities.” The underlying problem remains unchanged: “There are not enough beds and sometimes also staff in children’s clinics to adequately and locally provide care for all ill children during the infection season.”
Gerschlauer points out that a flu vaccination for children is still possible at this time: “For parents, it’s important to know that many health insurance companies cover the flu vaccination for healthy children as well. Those interested can still ask their pediatrician’s office where the vaccination can be administered.” The Standing Vaccination Commission currently only recommends the flu vaccination for children with chronic illnesses.