‘Cover-up of the Century’?

'Cover-up of the Century'?

The Greens have accused the federal states of inadequate investigation into the events in Aschaffenburg and Magdeburg. “In recent weeks, we have experienced that the urgently needed clarification of the shocking events in Magdeburg and Aschaffenburg has not been pursued with the necessary urgency” said Green Party interior expert Konstantin von Notz in an interview with the Rheinische Post.

According to von Notz, a significant part of the responsibility for the events in Magdeburg, which resulted in multiple fatalities and hundreds of injuries and Aschaffenburg lies with the respective state governments. Both Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt, where the events took place, are governed by the Union and von Notz believes that many questions remain unanswered in these states.

All parties involved are being called upon to contribute to the further clarification of the events, von Notz said. However, he criticized the state governments for not being forthcoming with information and accused the Union of introducing bills in the Bundestag that are intended to divert attention from the issue. The Greens’ interior expert described the proposed bills as lacking in substance and failing to address the actual issues.

Von Notz also accused the state governments of shifting the blame and thereby avoiding their responsibility. “Any responsibility that is clearly also open in the case of Aschaffenburg and to a large extent in Bavaria, is being denied. This is undoubtedly election-driven” he said. He emphasized that such a approach to security policy is irresponsible and that the Greens will not play this game. “We remind all responsible officials at the federal and state levels of their responsibility” von Notz concluded.