Berlin, Germany – The Greens have warned CDU leader Friedrich Merz of “symbolic austerity dictates” and social benefit cuts following the Bundestag’s approval of the financial package.
Grüne Fraktionsvize Andreas Audretsch told the Rheinische Post, “Now, quick results will be counted and we will measure the coalition by those.” He added, “The resignation wave within the CDU shows that Friedrich Merz, with his deception in the election campaign, has hurt many of his own people. The consequence must not be to soothe the disappointment within the ranks with symbolic austerity dictates.”
Audretsch further stated, “We will not accept the announcement by CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann to primarily cut social spending.” He emphasized, “The basic services on the ground must not be destroyed. If people lose future prospects, the costs will be many times higher in the end. This must not happen.”
According to Audretsch, Merz’s prolonged blockade of the debt brake relaxation has harmed the country. “The Union and SPD must start a comprehensive overhaul of our country, from the railways to the hospitals and bridges. And we need investments in climate protection” he said.