Coalition Battle Looms After Election

Coalition Battle Looms After Election

In the wake of the federal election, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) are set to continue opposing the introduction of a speed limit on highways, with a general speed limit being outright rejected by the CDU’s Fraktionsvize Ulrich Lange (CSU) in an interview with the Rheinische Post. According to Lange, the CDU’s stance on free mobility goes beyond simply allowing individuals to choose their mode of transportation, but also entails the freedom to decide on one’s speed on the highway.

The SPD and the Greens, as outlined in their election programs, plan to introduce a 130 km/h speed limit on highways after the election. Oliver Luksic, a former FDP state secretary in the Ministry of Transport, is also opposed to the plan, stating that while situational and digital speed restrictions may be necessary in certain circumstances, such as heavy traffic, bad weather, or other reasons, a general speed limit is not required everywhere.