CDU’s Mast Blasts Merz and Dobrindt in Leadership Row

CDU's Mast Blasts Merz and Dobrindt in Leadership Row

SPD’s Parliamentary Business Manager, Katja Mast, Criticizes CDU and CSU Leaders’ Statements on a New Leadership Style Without Endless Conflict After a Victory.

According to the “Rheinische Post” (Thursday edition), Mast said of CDU leader Friedrich Merz and CSU’s Alexander Dobrindt, “Their statements sound like a bad joke. I doubt that Friedrich Merz and Alexander Dobrindt discussed this with Markus Söder. He has been practicing a political style of aloofness for weeks that is hard to match.”

Mast added, “Markus Söder, unlike anyone else, uses clear statements against Friedrich Merz to create a public spectacle and profile himself. The Union doesn’t need a coalition to argue publicly, it does it daily on its own. It’s about taking a step back, coming together in challenging times.”

The SPD politician further stated, “Taking a step back has never been one of Friedrich Merz’s strengths.” His approach is always to work on others, rather than providing solutions for the country. “We will do everything to ensure the next Chancellor will be Olaf Scholz. He combines competence and substance in his leadership style and acts in the best interest of this country.