German CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann has spoken out in favor of reducing the minimum age of criminal responsibility from 14 to 12 years old. In an interview with the news channel “Welt”, he said, “If something happens every week or every month in the area of 13-year-olds, then we must react.” He mentioned that Switzerland has already lowered the age and he is “clear for 12 years”. While this move would not solve all the problems, Linnemann believes that every day a crime is prevented due to such a reduction is “a good day for Germany – and that’s why we should do it”.
Linnemann expressed frustration that the discussion about this topic has been going on for too long, with a lack of studies often being cited as a reason for inaction. “Then it’s always said: We need studies. I’m also for studies. But I’m tired of hearing that every week, every month” he said. After each new case, Linnemann claimed, a familiar pattern unfolds: “Something happens, then there’s a demand: ‘We must lower it.’ – but then we go back to the daily routine. And I don’t think that’s right.”
The debate has recently gained momentum again, following a case in which a 13-year-old pushed a 12-year-old in front of a Stuttgart subway train, resulting in the younger boy’s death.