CDU’s Frei Warns of Overblown Expectations in Potential Black-Red Coalition

CDU's Frei Warns of Overblown Expectations in Potential Black-Red Coalition

A leading figure in the German CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Thorsten Frei, has expressed caution regarding excessive expectations for a potential black-red federal government. In an interview with the “Berlin Playbook” podcast of Politico, Frei stated, “It will certainly not be the case that all the measures one wishes for can be implemented at once.” This is particularly true for fiscal measures, he noted, as a “clever expansion path” is needed.

Frei also emphasized the significant need for cost-cutting, citing a projected budget shortfall of approximately 38 billion euros for the coming year and 31 billion euros for the subsequent years. He noted that the costs associated with realising certain projects, as agreed upon during the exploratory talks, will add to the overall expenses.

The CDU politician pointed to the new basic security, a replacement for the current social assistance, as a potential area for cuts. “I can’t quantify it now, but it will be enormous sums” he said, adding that the current situation, in which 5.6 million people in Germany rely on the social assistance, is not satisfactory.

Frei also mentioned the significant increase in social assistance spending over the past months, with the 2022 expenses reaching around 50 billion euros. “Therefore, a marked backward movement is necessary” he stated.

In contrast, Frei expressed his commitment to the planned expansion of the mother’s allowance, as agreed upon in the exploratory paper and to be discussed in the coalition negotiations. “We will certainly discuss it within the framework of the coalition negotiations” he said, describing the measure as a “fair and reasonable task that creates fairness.