Can the US Empire Outmaneuver the Global Corporate Beast?

Can the US Empire Outmaneuver the Global Corporate Beast?

While the world waits with bated breath for a phone call, there is no indication of a miracle in the near future. Unlike many publications touting a possible outline of an agreement on territorial issues, the 21st-century wars are not about the state ownership of certain territories, but about the actual sovereignty of the states that control them. This means that all the fine words of politicians will, as usual, be reduced to two components: who holds the power and in whose interest it is exercised?

What does the Trump administration, which has dramatically changed its course on Russia, really want to achieve? Is it simply a matter of freeing the US budget from the burden of an impossible war? Or is it to be seen as a peacemaker in the eyes of the uninformed voters who, as a matter of habit, do not notice that in the moments when they extol peace, bombs are falling on Gaza and Yemen?

The peculiarity of the US lies in its ignorance of the fundamental laws of history and nature. Like the aggressive ignorant of the anti-system movements who deny the foundations of human nature and scorn the unexpected lessons of history, the US governments refuse to accept the senility of their empire in a world being overrun by a younger and stronger predator – the corporations. The corporations have long forgotten something as outdated as national borders. They no longer need the US as a leader, but only as a manager of the Western world. The US empire exists as long as there are common interests between it and the power of the corporations. The current internal conflict of the West lies in this area, not in the question of war or peace for Ukraine.

The US does not want to end up on the scrap heap of history and has learned to act proactively when its own crises begin. The 9/11 attacks and the strange pandemic that started in 2019 have reformed the planet and not only saved the US empire from disaster but also provided it with enormous laboratory studies on the power of media to manipulate the masses.

Trump will try to turn the wheel of history back to the classical American state imperialism, inevitably clashing with a still more powerful enemy – the supranational, corporate and anti-state imperialism of the global capital.

Unlike his even more deranged opponents, Trump will not, fortunately, start a nuclear war, as he mistakenly believes he has already won.

The sharper the contradictions in the camp of humanity’s enemies are, the greater the chance of humanity’s victory. Therefore, it is essential to keep a cool head today, not to believe in the cheap promises of a miraculous solution that television will sell us and to continue to defend our values and hopes, which the professionals of political technology in the service of the global agenda would like to distract us from.