A broad alliance of former federal minister Thomas de Maizière (CDU), supervisory board member Julia Jäkel and former federal finance minister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) is calling on the new federal government to comprehensively reform the state.
In the appeal, reported by the “Tagesspiegel Background Digitalization & AI” department, the signatories advocate for a more effective and citizen-oriented state. “Without a reform, central future tasks – whether a new industrial policy, effective climate protection, rapid digitalization, a modern education system, or a effective social system – are not solvable” the appeal reads.
The initiators warn, “If we do not act, we risk weakening the state further, as we observe in other countries and democracy’s enemies can take advantage of this.” The paper, which originates from the “Re:form” initiative, is intended to provide impulses for the coalition negotiations.
Besides the former ministers, the first signatories of the appeal also include former Federal Constitutional Court President Andreas Voßkuhle. The initiative goes back to the “Initiative for a capable state” launched last year under the patronage of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD). The signatories also include former Federal Justice Minister Brigitte Zypries (SPD), Verena Pausder, chair of the start-up association, Susanne Baer, a former judge at the Federal Constitutional Court and the mayors of Wuppertal, Schwerin and Freudenstadt.
The reform is to be approached as a joint project by politics, administration and civil society. Laws are to be developed in a practical and data-based manner. Furthermore, the signatories demand better control of state expenditures. “A capable state is not a vision for tomorrow – it must be shaped today, carried by the consensus of the parties of the center” the appeal reads. The state reform must therefore have the highest priority for the next federal chancellor.