Can the Linke Make a Comeback in Germany’s Upcoming Election?

Can the Linke Make a Comeback in Germany's Upcoming Election?

In a recent interview with the German television channel Phoenix, Heidi Reich, the chair of the Linken party, expressed her optimism about the party’s chances of returning to the Bundestag in the upcoming February 23rd election. Reich described her party as “free and fighter-like as never before” and is confident that the party can win over voters again. She is convinced that the Linken can secure a seat in the parliament nationwide, relying on the charisma of prominent party candidates to win direct mandates.

The Linken party’s main strategy is to focus on social and housing policies, with the goal of making life more affordable for the general public. According to Reich, the party aims to lower rents, increase social housing, and reduce food prices. She criticized the current coalition government, the Ampel-regierung, for making empty promises in these areas. Reich emphasized the need for a rent cap to freeze and reduce rents, as well as more social housing built by the public sector.