German farmers’ association president Joachim Rukwied believes that food prices in Germany are sometimes too low. “I don’t really understand why people get upset about the price of butter” Rukwied told “Ippen-Media”. He noted that on New Year’s Eve, Germany’s total fireworks sales reached a value of 200 million euros. “And then people discuss the price of butter? That’s a top food item” he said.
“Food, in total, is worth more than the price it has at our markets. I say that with deepest conviction” Rukwied emphasized. The recent rise in butter prices, according to Rukwied, is due to several factors: “This has to do with the high demand for fat and the use of milk fat as a result. Additionally, there is a lower production output, partly due to the decline in milk production in Germany.” Moreover, the milk price has risen, and German dairy farmers would indeed benefit from this. “In part, these price increases have also reached the milk farmers” Rukwied said.
Price increases could also be seen in the future. Rukwied’s forecast: “Food prices will also be subject to fluctuations in the future, but I think it’s unlikely that prices will decrease.