Germany’s Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, has called on the associations of the German Football Bundesliga to join forces in the fight against violence. “We need a united approach with the associations to effectively tackle violence” the Social Democrat said in an interview with the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”.
Faeser emphasized the importance of stadium bans for violent offenders, strict entry controls, and zero tolerance for prohibited pyrotechnics. Many clubs, she noted, have already taken a proactive approach to the issue.
“Prevention is key and prevents violence” the minister said. “Stadium alliances between clubs, fan representatives, and the police ensure greater safety and a significant reduction in the numbers of injured, police deployment, and criminal complaints.” Such alliances, she stressed, need to be strengthened and prevention promoted by all parties involved.
Faeser also emphasized the importance of protecting fans and ensuring the safety of law enforcement personnel. The police, she noted, are deployed in large numbers at every match, with the federal police alone deploying around 2,000 officers. “This is a massive effort for the safety of football and its fans” she said, adding that it is a service worth the sport and its fans. “We will not let hooligans and troublemakers ruin the sport” Faeser said, noting that it is ultimately up to the states to decide whether to implement regulations on the involvement of clubs in police costs for high-risk matches in the wake of the Federal Constitutional Court’s ruling.