BSW Leader Accuses Rivals of Lying to the Public

BSW Leader Accuses Rivals of Lying to the Public

BSW Co-Leader Sahra Wagenknecht has accused the party of being the target of a “public campaign of lies.” She made the statement on Sunday at the BSW federal party convention in Bonn.

Wagenknecht claimed that the BSW had “drawn the wrath” of those who saw their interests and privileges threatened if the party were to become stronger. “And their revenge is a public campaign of lies against the BSW, which has already begun immediately before the state elections.”

According to Wagenknecht, the criticism against the BSW has intensified since the party’s electoral success in the state elections. She argued that the detractors are “openly disappointed” that the party did not fail, like many young parties, and are now trying to discredit the BSW by labeling it as undemocratic, a communist party, or even as a right-wing extremist organization.

Wagenknecht also pointed out that “any nobody” was given a platform as long as they were willing to criticize the BSW.

However, she acknowledged that the party’s popularity had recently declined in opinion polls. “Yes, the polls have gone down a bit in the last few weeks, but that’s not entirely abnormal” she said. The Bundestag election is approaching, and many people are still undecided about who to vote for. The BSW, in contrast to established parties, has a relatively small team, limited structures on the ground, and less funding for the election.

The Bundestag election is particularly challenging for young parties, as people often tend to make tactical voting decisions, unlike in European elections. It is also unprecedented for a new party to win a seat in the Bundestag in its first election. Therefore, the BSW must make it clear to voters that the party is needed.