Broken Promises: Election Lies Exposed!

Broken Promises: Election Lies Exposed!

The President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Marcel Fratzscher, sharply criticizes the election promises of the major parties in the Bundestag election campaign.

The parties “don’t trust the voters with the truth”, he said to the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. They want to “lead the voters astray”. “And they outdo each other with election promises.” This is indeed always been the case, but “never so extreme as now”, Fratzscher said.

“If I look at the FDP – 138 billion euros in tax relief, mainly for the top earners. The CDU calls for 99 billion, mainly for the top earners as well. SPD and Greens put 30 billion and 48 billion in the window.” This is not a joke. “This is what I mean by leading people astray”, the DIW President added.