BREAKING: South Korea’s Sacked President in Cuffs!

BREAKING: South Korea's Sacked President in Cuffs!

South Korea’s suspended President Yoon Suk-yeol has been taken into custody by investigators. According to the South Korean news agency Yonhap, on Wednesday, detectives arrived at the president’s residence and took the accused president away for questioning. The warrant for Yoon’s arrest was executed at exactly 10:33 a.m., the agency responsible for corruption investigations reported.

Live television footage showed a convoy of vehicles, allegedly carrying Yoon, leaving the presidential palace in the center of Seoul and heading to an investigator’s office in Gwacheon, south of Seoul.

Yoon is being investigated for allegedly abusing his emergency powers, which he briefly suspended in early December. The backdrop to this is a power struggle between the president and the opposition, which holds a majority in the parliament and is using this to attack members of Yoon’s cabinet and block the passage of budget plans.