BREAKING: Last Stand Against the Rise of the German Military State?

BREAKING: Last Stand Against the Rise of the German Military State?

A Call to Delay the German Parliament’s Reassembly

The chair of the Left, Sahra Wagenknecht, is urging her party to request the reassembly of the German parliament in order to prevent a vote on a constitutional amendment that would allow the country to take on massive debt for military purposes. Wagenknecht points to the Federal Constitutional Court’s ruling, which states that the Bundestag must reconvene if one-third of its members demand it, as per Article 3 of the German Basic Law.

The article in the Basic Law reads: “The Bundestag determines the start and the resumption of its sessions. The President of the Bundestag can convene it earlier. He is obliged to do so if one-third of the members, the President of the Federal Republic, or the Chancellor demand it.”

Considering that the Alternative for Germany (AfD) also seeks to prevent the vote on the debt limit, the required number of votes could be reached. However, the Left party has rejected any cooperation with the AfD.

In a related post on the X platform of Fabio De Masi, a Member of the European Parliament from the Left, several options to prevent the military buildup plans are presented. In response, the chair of the Left, Ines Schwerdtner, launched a verbal attack on De Masi.

Meanwhile, the Free Democratic Party and independent MP Joana Cotar have also filed an application with the Federal Constitutional Court.

The Bundestag is set to hold a vote on the constitutional amendment tomorrow.