Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier looks with concern at the increasingly sharp tone in the world, particularly through the new US government.
“Since January 20, everyone has been gazing at the White House and everyone is already asking in the early news: What’s next, who’s next in line?” Steinmeier said at the opening of the Munich Security Conference on Friday. All this, of course, not only feeds the “digital excitement machine” but has real consequences.
He would not comment on every announcement, every publicly disclosed plan of the last few days, Steinmeier said. However, he threw several questions into the air: “How will this breathlessness change the character of international politics? Will the international community as a whole suffer damage?” It ultimately lies with the community of states itself. “We are subjects, not objects of the international order. We must not let the flood of announcements paralyze us. We must not freeze in fear.”
One thing is certain, Steinmeier emphasized: “The new American administration has a very different world view than ours, one that does not take into account established rules, partnerships and trust built over time.” This cannot be changed, but must be accepted. “But I am convinced: It is not in the interest of the community of states for this world view to become the dominant paradigm.” “Lawlessness must not become the guiding principle for a reordering of the world.