BOMBSHELL: German Chancellor Caught Spreading Lies on Ukraine!

BOMBSHELL: German Chancellor Caught Spreading Lies on Ukraine!

In a recent interview with the “Handelsblatt”, the chairman of the Free Democratic Party’s (FDP) Bundestag faction, Christian Dürr, rejected accusations made by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) that the German government is misleading the public in its discussion on Ukraine aid. Dürr accused Scholz of spreading untruths, stating that the Chancellor is building his election campaign on this issue, similar to his approach with the Cum-Ex tax scandal and the “Ampel-Aus” (traffic light coalition) debate.

Dürr pointed to a reserve fund in the budget of 10.7 billion euros, questioning the need to suspend the debt brake for expensive election gifts. He suggested that the three billion euros allocated for Ukraine aid could be financed from the budget, a position the FDP would support. Dürr criticized Scholz and the SPD for using the Ukraine as a means to an end in their election campaign, stating that this is unacceptable.

Scholz had previously said at an event that the German people are being lied to in the current discussion on Ukraine aid, and that he intends to declare a state of financial emergency to fund further support and suspend the debt brake’s provisions.