Berlin, Germany – The German federal government estimates that more than 30 billion euros will be required for civil defense over the next ten years, according to an internal document of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, which was reported by the “Spiegel”.
The document, signed by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, states that the population must be better prepared for a “now more likely war scenario”. In addition to strengthening the military capabilities of the German Armed Forces, “civilian support is essential”.
According to the document, the German Technical Relief Organization (THW) and the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (BBK) must be significantly better equipped. This includes the establishment of additional, regionally distributed logistics centers, where supplies and materials for relief operations can be stored. THW and BBK also require more personnel, as stated in the government’s internal calculations.
By 2030, the two authorities together will need to receive almost 2,200 new positions to protect the population from “war-related dangers”, the document states. The abilities for warning the population, providing drinking water and maintaining the state and government functions in the event of a defense scenario must also be improved, according to the paper.