German Green Party’s Chancellor Candidate, Robert Habeck, Expects Isolation and Coldness in the Office He is Seeking.
In an interview with RTL Aktuell, Habeck emphasized that the privileges of the office of Chancellor would be insignificant in comparison to the “coldness and isolation” that comes with the job. He stated that Germany is the most important country in Europe, and those who hold the reins of power must be prepared to take on the responsibility of shaping the continent’s future. “That’s the weight, the weight, the weight, and a high level of pressure, and one cannot afford to make many mistakes” Habeck said.
For his personal life and family, the difference between being Chancellor and not being Chancellor would be minimal, Habeck claimed. He had to ask himself whether he should even run for the office, and in the process, he rediscovered the “original impulse” that led him to become a politician in the first place. “In a certain sense, a naivety, that I cannot tolerate people constantly not speaking their minds, and I will not forgive myself for not speaking my mind: ‘You’re beating around the bush'” Habeck said.
At the same time, he has had six years of experience as a state minister and four years as a federal minister, which he believes qualifies him for the office. “It’s this combination: the rediscovered joy of the beginning and the experience and also the hardening of the last years” Habeck said.