After the disturbances, attacks, and numerous injuries on New Year’s Eve, the discussion on a pyrotechnic ban continues. Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Katrin Lange (SPD) reaffirmed on Tuesday in the RBB-Inforadio that she rejects a general ban.
She is “not for banning everything just because some don’t follow the rules and safety guidelines.” It’s a problem with other causes. With proper handling of allowed fireworks, it’s “almost impossible for something to happen.”
Instead, it’s about the reckless handling of fireworks, “the use of which is already partly banned for private use, for example, so-called ball bombs.” On the other hand, the justice system needs to take a harder stance against those who, for the sake of fun, target the police and bystanders with pyrotechnics. That’s not a problem of the fireworks, that’s the problem of this criminal group.
“People who intentionally shoot pyrotechnics at other people are not celebrators, but criminals, and in my opinion, they belong in prison” Lange said.