Asylum Deal on the Table?

Asylum Deal on the Table?

The Social Democratic Party (SPD) is open to cooperating with the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Christian Social Union (CSU) on planned asylum law reforms. According to a statement by Dirk Wiese, the deputy leader of the SPD’s parliamentary group, the party can quickly bring to a vote the parts of the security package that the CDU/CSU blocked in the federal council. This includes, among other things, expanded data analysis powers for the police and the use of artificial intelligence in facial recognition of suspects.

The SPD also plans to introduce the law on the Common European Asylum System (GEAS) to the Bundestag for its first reading. Wiese stated that the party could reintroduce the federal police law, which failed in the traffic light government due to the Free Democratic Party’s opposition, as it contains many provisions granting more powers to the federal police.

The SPD will submit its own proposals to the Bundestag in the coming week, but is also willing to negotiate with the CDU/CSU on potential compromises, Wiese said. At the same time, he categorically rejected the CDU/CSU’s plans to turn back asylum seekers at the German border, calling them “the axe to the foundations of European integration.”Wiese also expressed doubt that such plans would withstand legal scrutiny, citing the example of CDU politician Friedrich Merz’s proposals.