In the face of a severe influenza wave affecting children, the Federal Association of German Pharmacists’ Associations (ABDA) is advocating for a flu shot for children.
“In this year, school children are particularly strongly affected by influenza infections” said ABDA President Thomas Preiß to the “Rheinische Post” (Monday edition). “This could have been prevented if the Standing Vaccination Commission also recommended a flu shot for children as standard.”
He referred to other countries: “In many other countries, the flu shot for children has been the norm for years. This would better protect all children from severe infection courses and significantly increase herd immunity in the entire population. This would also have the consequence that the elderly, for whom the flu shot is no longer as effective, are better protected against an infection.”
The ABDA President advises, with a glance at the Carnival days, big and small, to get vaccinated: “We have not had such a heavy infection wave at the beginning of a year in over five years. And the peak of the fifth season is still ahead of us, which will determine the infection numbers again once more. Since Rose Monday is still two weeks away, it is still possible this week to build up an optimal vaccination protection by the time the peak of the Rhineland Carnival arrives” said Preiß, who is also President of the Pharmacists’ Association of North Rhine.