Aid to Rwanda in Jeopardy?

Aid to Rwanda in Jeopardy?

The SPD’s foreign policy spokesperson, Nils Schmid, is calling for a review of Germany’s development aid to Rwanda, which he claims supports violent militias in the escalating conflict in the eastern Congo.

“Germany has a duty to set clear signals” Schmid told the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. “In this context, we must examine all measures that can exert pressure on Rwanda. This includes reviewing German development aid and EU support, which must be tied to clear conditions, particularly when fundamental international law principles are being violated.”

Germany has, according to Schmid, for too long “passively observed the authoritarian and antidemocratic and aggressive foreign policy of the Rwandan government.” He also emphasized that Rwanda cannot be considered a safe country for deportations from Germany. “A country that is demonstrably involved in conflicts or violates international rules cannot be a safe location for returns” the SPD politician said.

The Union had previously considered Rwanda as a possible safe third country, where asylum seekers could be brought after arrival. A similar regulation failed in the UK’s Supreme Court.

The CDU’s deputy faction leader, Johann Wadephul, accused the federal government of shortcomings in its African policy. “German foreign policy must also face the accusation of not being engaged enough in East Africa and the Great Lakes region. For a political solution to the conflict, it has not intervened enough” Wadephul told the RND. The M23 militia in the eastern Congo must now be persuaded to desist from violence and Germany, in close cooperation with the African states on the ground, should push for an end to the fighting and a political process that has been overdue for years.