AI Superpower: Germany’s Secret Plan to Hack Back!

AI Superpower: Germany's Secret Plan to Hack Back!

The German government is considering strengthening its cyber defense by utilizing artificial intelligence (AI). As stated in the government’s response to a small inquiry submitted by the Free Democratic Party (FDP) parliamentary group, which was reported by the Handelsblatt, the government is currently exploring the possibilities of AI in supporting cyber security measures. The focus is on improving the protection of federal authorities.

According to the document, various software solutions utilizing AI are already in use for securing computer systems, in addition to virus protection and firewall rules. The goal is to monitor computer systems in real-time to detect potential attacks early on.

Manuel Höferlin, the FDP’s interior policy spokesperson, who submitted the inquiry, welcomes the move. “AI enables the analysis of complex threats in real-time, automated defense against attacks, and the timely closure of security gaps” he said to the Handelsblatt. However, he emphasized that a robust cyber defense also requires the ability to respond appropriately to unavoidable system failures. Germany must remain capable of acting in the face of hybrid attacks.

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), the country’s cybersecurity authority, reported in its response that it registered a total of 362 cyber attacks on companies in the past 12 months. Federal authorities were affected by 80 “IT security incidents” in the previous year, with 17, or over 20 percent, being successful. The attackers were able to install malware, use IT systems unauthorized, and access data. The government did not provide information on the type of data involved, and the affected authorities were not named due to the confidentiality of the matter.