‘A Threat to European Interests’

'A Threat to European Interests'

The leader of the European People’s Party (EVP) in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber, expressed concern over the impending meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

“A meeting like this is currently more of a concern for me, as we Europeans have not yet developed sufficient defense capabilities to effectively represent our interests in these negotiations, as I would like” Weber told the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”. “I see this as a wake-up call to take the European defense capability seriously now.”

The CSU politician called for Europeans to be at the negotiating table alongside Trump and Putin. “Only when Europeans are at the table can we defend our interests. It’s ultimately also about our security and freedom on European soil, which Putin challenges” Weber emphasized. Key principles for a deal between Trump and Putin must be clear: “No agreement without the consent of Ukraine and without the consent of Europe.