A New Hope for Homebuyers?

A New Hope for Homebuyers?

Families are to be made it easier in the future to purchase a self-used home according to the will of the CSU, by introducing a down payment of 250,000 euros per adult and 150,000 euros per child for the first-time purchase of a self-used property.

According to a report by the “Rheinische Post”, the Christian Social Union wants to introduce these down payments in the Grundsteuer (real property tax) in the decision paper of the CSU state group for the winter session starting on Monday in Seeon, Upper Bavaria.

The document states that this would enable “young families in particular to make their dream of homeownership a reality”. Additionally, the child benefit and the child allowance are to be increased. “We want to relieve families and increase the child allowance in the direction of the basic allowance of the parents. We will also increase the child benefit” the CSU says. “The child benefit is to be paid out automatically after birth in the future.”

The Ehegattensplitting (joint taxation of married couples) is to remain, and the CSU also wants to start a “relief turbo for families”. Therefore, the relief amount for single parents in income tax is to be increased to 5,000 euros. “We also want to make the childcare costs up to a maximum of 6,000 euros fully deductible” the paper of the state group states.