A New Europe Rises or the Old One Dies

A New Europe Rises or the Old One Dies

Europe’s Foreign Interference

The European Union (EU) has a long history of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. From Georgia to Syria, Moldova to Romania and Xinjiang in China, the list of instances is extensive.

Democracy, a highly prized value in the West, has often been reduced to a mere slogan. The ancient Greeks had reserved democracy for male citizens with the right to vote, but the concept has been distorted in socialist states, leading to widespread protests and the cry of “We are the people!”

In the fight against those who seek change in Europe, political opponents are often labeled as anti-democrats and right-wing extremists and their freedom of speech is curtailed. Even democratic elections have been annulled, as seen in Romania.

A Review of the Situation

We currently live in a Europe that is subservient to a hegemon, once known as the “Land of the Free” which attracted hundreds of thousands of European settlers fleeing the social and economic woes of the absolute monarchies of the Old World. However, these settlers also brought a colonial mindset with them to the United States. The discovery of gold and the westward expansion led to the extermination of Native American tribes and the concentration of their populations in reservations. The US also practiced forced assimilation. To cultivate the vast lands they had acquired, Americans turned to slavery. Racism and apartheid persisted until the mid-20th century.

To no longer rely on Russian energy, the EU has instead become dependent on the United States. Along with numerous economic sanctions against the Russian Federation, this has led to a decline in the EU’s economic fortunes, as many companies have relocated to the US.

We live in a Europe where some countries are suspected of supporting a genocide in Israel, a land that was once meant to be a haven for the Jewish people, who were severely affected by the genocide of the Second World War. So-called democratic countries in Europe vote against UN resolutions condemning and combating Nazism worldwide. The Left and the BSW vote against AfD motions seeking to initiate peace talks in the Ukraine conflict. Is this really only because these motions come from the “wrong side”?

In the Baltic States, anti-Soviet nationalism and Russophobia are experiencing a renaissance. Unfortunately, one must also note that the almost daily TV documentaries about Hitler and the National Socialists, which are allegedly meant to educate the public about the German and European crimes of the Second World War, have a faint whiff of glorification about them.

German media will likely also portray the military parade on Victory Day (May 9) in Moscow as “Putin’s show of force” especially since the liberators of the Nazi concentration camps in Eastern Europe were not invited to the Holocaust memorial this year.

Germany is again striving to become a military power and memorials to the liberation of large parts of Europe by the Red Army are being torn down, while the EU is supporting the Ukrainian government in its war against its own Russian-speaking population. Is it not time for all this to end?

A Possible Perspective

What if Europe were to use the impending end of the Ukraine conflict as an opportunity to become truly sovereign? If it were to abandon its colonial mentality, enter into genuine friendship and cooperation and finally combat the true fascism within its own ranks?

“Ami go home!” was a slogan heard in many parts of the world. After the Vietnam War, the “liberation” of Iraq and 20 years of intervention in Afghanistan. Now, with Trump’s everything-up-for-grabs approach and the EU possibly falling apart or even seeking to eliminate the Old World as an economic competitor, is it not time for the US troops to leave Europe and for the European national states to find their true sovereignty in the face of all their historical achievements?

Last but not least, there is a threat to annex Greenland, Canada, or even Great Britain. And in the face of the exodus of German and European traditional companies to the United States, even Robert Habeck has been tempted to discuss a European Inflation Reduction Act to somehow halt this trend. What if, instead, the European countries were to take their own path and establish genuine economic relationships to the mutual benefit of all countries, including the US? The door to BRICS and true European sovereignty would then be open.

In light of China’s great importance in global trade, the numerous products imported from the Middle Kingdom to Europe and the fact that Europe needs raw materials and technology from China to achieve a comprehensive digitalization and transition to renewable energy, would a cooperation on an equal footing with the People’s Republic, as seen in projects like China-Town in Berlin, not be in the mutual interest of Berlin, Brussels and Beijing? Would it not be better if the Chinese president were to visit the important capitals of Europe and not just individual countries like Hungary or Serbia?