SPD Criticizes CSU’s Migration Plans as ‘Far-Reaching’ and ‘Unimplementable’
The SPD is sharply criticizing the CSU’s plans for significant hardening of migration policies. “The CSU is once again shooting far beyond the target and is courting the AfD” said SPD faction vice Dirk Wiese to the “Rheinische Post” (Friday edition).
Wiese added: “The proposals are barely implementable under legal aspects and miss our humanitarian obligations.” He also doubts whether “these inconsiderate proposals make it more attractive for skilled and labor forces to come to Germany.” The clear focus of the federal government lies on controlling migration according to the principles of humanity and order. “And the measures introduced are also showing comprehensive effects, both nationally and at the European level” said the SPD politician.
A paper for the CSU’s parliamentary group’s retreat at the Kloster Seeon in Upper Bavaria, starting on Monday, reveals that the right to stay for migrants will in the future be linked to a satisfactory income. Those who commit multiple crimes will have to leave Germany. And the CSU wants to immediately implement a “practical entry stop for illegal migrants” at the borders.