In the face of the current economic crisis, almost 50 associations are planning a nationwide large-scale demonstration for an economic turnaround. According to a report by the “Bild”, the associations will hold a so-called “Warntag” on January 29 and demonstrate for lower taxes and social contributions, as well as a reduction in bureaucracy. This will include a large rally in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and demonstrations in other cities.
Participating in the “Warntag” are, among others, the German Metalworkers’ Association, the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga), the Federal Association of Wholesale, Foreign Trade, and Services (BGA), the Federation of Family Entrepreneurs, and the Federation of Medium-Sized Enterprises (BVMW). The branches, according to their own statements, represent around 20 million employees.
The “Bild” was told by Gesamtmetall President Stefan Wolf: “The German industry is being pushed to its knees by false political framework conditions. It’s no longer clear to everyone just how dramatic the situation is.” They therefore want to campaign together across all industries for an economic turnaround. The head of the Federation of Family Entrepreneurs, Marie-Christine Ostermann, told the “Bild”: “With the Economic Warntag, we are fighting for an economic turnaround.” The 2025 federal election should become a “popular vote”.