11 States Rebel Against Fireworks Ban

11 States Rebel Against Fireworks Ban

Despite deviations and fatal fireworks incidents on New Year’s Eve, there is a clear majority against a fireworks ban in the German states.

According to a survey by the “Spiegel” at the responsible ministries of the 16 federal states, 11 states are against a ban on private New Year’s fireworks, while only two states, Bremen and Berlin, are in favor of a ban. Three states, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Schleswig-Holstein, do not want to take a stance.

Those opposed to a fireworks ban argue that such a regulation would also affect responsible fireworks users. Lower Saxony reported that there were fewer deployments at the turn of the year 2024/25 compared to the previous year. Bavaria stated that more injuries due to illegal fireworks were registered, and it wanted to address this by means of stricter border controls.

Bremen and Berlin, the two supporters of a ban, base their position on injury statistics. Over 360 people were injured in Berlin alone on New Year’s Eve. A general fireworks ban is a federal matter, and local authorities can only restrict fireworks to a limited extent.

Berlin’s Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) suggests “pyro-permitted zones” or central areas where fireworks would be allowed in exceptional cases. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern wants to wait for the upcoming discussions, while Hamburg’s interior department demands a “uniform federal solution.