What’s Behind the Father’s Fiasco?

What's Behind the Father's Fiasco?

Green’s Parliamentary Business Manager in the Bundestag, Irene Mihalic, expects the special session of the Bundestag’s Interior Committee on the Magdeburg attack to provide more detailed information on the background of the crime and the responsible parties.

“We expect the exact sequences of events before, during, and after the crime, the information flows, and responsibilities to be presented in detail” she told the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”. “It’s important to thoroughly investigate and analyze all the connections. We owe this to the families of the victims and the many injured, but also to the public, which rightfully expects no one to shirk their responsibility.”

It is not a self-evident fact that representatives from Saxony-Anhalt would participate in the special session, given the very stressful situation for the people of Magdeburg. The Green politician assumes that “all of this cannot be cleared up in a single session, especially since the investigations are still ongoing.” She added, “If necessary, we will push forward the clarification in further special sessions and inform ourselves of further findings at the appropriate time.