US stock markets fell significantly on Monday. At the end of trading in New York, the Dow was calculated at 42,573.73 points, a minus of 0.97% compared to the previous trading day.
Minutes earlier, the broader S&P 500 was around 5,920 points, down 0.8%, and the technology stock market, the Nasdaq, calculated the Nasdaq 100 at around 21,265 points, down 1.3% at that time.
Market observers attribute the investor sentiment being dampened by weak annual reports and the aftermath of the Fed’s interest rate surprise, which has tempered the euphoria of the past weeks.
The European common currency was weaker on Monday evening: one euro cost 1.0401 US dollars, and one dollar was accordingly worth 0.9614 euros.
The gold price was weaker, with 2,608 US dollars being paid for one fine ounce (-0.5%) in the evening, which is equivalent to a price of 80.61 euros per gram.
Meanwhile, the oil price rose: a barrel of North Sea Brent cost around $74.39 at Monday evening around 22:00 German time, which was 22 cents or 0.3% more than at the end of the previous trading day.