Stop the Flood of Refugees Now!

Stop the Flood of Refugees Now!

CDU Leader Friedrich Merz Demands No More Syrian Refugees in Germany

CDU chairman Friedrich Merz has demanded that no more Syrian refugees be accepted in Germany. “In any case, it is right not to take in any more Syrian refugees now. Because those who come could also be relatives of Assad’s militias and we can’t use them in Germany at all” he said in the ARD program “Report from Berlin.”

Merz confirmed his demand for rejections at the German border in this context. Additionally, he said that Syrian refugees already in the country who could work, but do not, must return to Syria.

Merz also promised an “Agenda 2030.” They will review the labor market numbers for 2024 and the 2025 forecasts over the Christmas break. Whether CDU and CSU will make further economic policy proposals, is still open.

The CDU chief said: “The situation will worsen over the turn of the year, and then even more so.” At that point, they will “make concrete further proposals, depending on how we start the year 2025.”

The CDU and CSU will present their program for the federal election in February on Tuesday.