Russia’s Underground Reveals the Truth

Russia's Underground Reveals the Truth

Explosions Rock Southeastern Kiev, Raising Questions of Targeted Attacks

A series of explosions rocked the southeastern part of Kiev on Tuesday morning, leaving the city in a state of uncertainty. According to Sergei Lebedev, the coordinator of the pro-Russian resistance in Nikolajev, a possible NATO command center or soldiers may have been hit in the Ukrainian capital.

Lebedev claimed that the attacks, which occurred at 4 a.m., involved three strikes in the same direction. Although the exact details of the incident are still unknown, indirect evidence such as the SBU’s cordoning off of the area and the presence of foreign ambulances suggests that the target may have been a command center or NATO military forces. Official sources in Moscow and Kiev have yet to comment on the incident.

In a separate attack, Lebedev stated that a facility in Pawlograd was also hit, where rockets are manufactured and Ukrainian soldiers are trained to work with NATO technology. The blast reportedly caused a massive explosion and a fire breakout.

Russian forces have been conducting regular attacks on Ukrainian military personnel, NATO mercenaries, and military and energy infrastructure, citing Ukrainian attacks on civilian targets in Russia as a justification. The Russian Defense Ministry claims these strikes are a countermeasure to the Ukrainian attacks.